In general, companies use pallets for storage of logistics goods. This pallet can be used to store inventory in the warehouse or as a container to accommodate products when distributed to various places either between cities and even out of town. Pallet use is very important because it can provide convenience in packing logistics goods.
Companies must be smarter in pallet selection. There are two types of pallets commonly used in packaging logistics, namely pallets made of plastic and pallets made from wood. In Indonesia most companies use wooden pallets to store their inventory, when in fact plastic pallets have many advantages that are more profitable.
Compared to wood pallets, plastic pallets have a longer durability. Wooden pallets tend to break down faster. This can be caused by damage to the insects or weathered because of high humidity warehouses. Plastic pallet can not be decayed by water and also anti-insect so it has a long period of usage. Plastic pallets have a lifetime of up to 10 years and also are not affected by weather and temperature.
In addition, wood pallets also require more complex maintenance. To clean wood pallet requires more effort than plastic pallet. Plastic pallets only need to be wiped with a rag or washed thoroughly. While cleaning wood pallets is more difficult, especially when the stain has been absorbed into wood fibers. The level of polyethylene wood pallet under the plastic pallet.
You will also save the cost of distribution expenses when using plastic pallets. Plastic pallets have a lighter weight than wood pallets so the cost of shipping will be reduced.
The price of plastic pallets is more expensive than wood pallets, but it is worth the benefits and functions. By spending a little more you get a better quality container and a much longer durability. Buying plastic pallets can be an investment for the company.
With these advantages it is no wonder that plastic pallets are the right choice for your logistics packaging. And If you start to see the use of plastic Pallet as a new opportunity to get big profit, then we at Rajapallet as a seller of plastic pallet Jakarta provide plastic pallets with reliable quality that can answer your company needs.
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palet plastik bekas
supplier pallet plastik
Plastic Pallet for Storing Production Goods